Welcome to the horniest gulch in the uncanny valley

OnlyGANs is a collection of AI generated nudes created by training generative adversarial networks (GAN) on various NSFW subreddits. The intentions of these communities vary from amateur pornography in subs such as r/rearpussy, r/PLASTT, & r/perfectdick to “building a library of what normal, everyday human bodies look like” in r/normalnudes r/averagepenis. How does our human response to the images change when a machine is generating images it believes fit into these subreddits? Are they erotic? Are the grotesques? Are they still bodies? Are they normal?

Despite the fact that these images do not depict any actual nudity, many of them can not be posted on social media platforms such as instagram. This is because their own AIs are trained, possibly on the same or similar dataset, to detect nude bodies. Therefore only the most abstract of OnlyGANs can be posted there, they occupy the dissonant space between two AIs, one trained to generate nudes and the other to detect them. The logical home for the rest of OnlyGANs is on OnlyFans.

OnlyGANs Instagram
OnlyGANs OnlyFans